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Etiquette Evening
Dining Do's and Don'ts for Students
5th through 12th Grades
Etiquette Evening is a fun, entertaining way to give your child confidence and poise. The Do’s and Don’ts of Dining and Discourse explores the art of table manners and the basics of social interaction.
From when to turn-off their cell phones to knowing which water glass is theirs. All in a formal setting. The program features an innovative teaching technique. A delicious 3-course meal and refreshments will be served.
What’s Included?
The Do’s and Don’ts of Dining and Discourse
Three-course meal in a formal setting
Two hours of interactive learning and entertaining instruction
Manners in the Mail
Etiquette Evening is one session of the our Manners In Motion® program,
a six-week series focusing on social skills, both on-and-off the dance floor.
If you are interested in a customized progam for your area, contact
Seating for the Etiquette Evening will be arranged by grade level at tables of eight. This is a great opportunity for your teenager to invite their friends to form a group and join us just for Etiquette Evening’s Dining Do’s and Don’ts.
Good manners never go out of style!
Your Host Cynthia Glinka